I am so excited to announce that my book, Joy Bringers-- Celebrate the Joy in Each Moment! is ready for the world! I am holding a copy in my hands and my hands are warming up and vibrating! That's a very good sign.
Of course all this is happening just as I am getting ready to fly off to Brazil. I know that all is in Divine Order and this is all perfect timing.
How do you buy your copy of Joy Bringers? You can go to my ebook website, liveloveheal.org, and purchase it there. If you live outside the USA, go directly to Balboa Press Bookstore and buy your copies. Joy Bringers is also available at barnesandnoble.com, borders.com, booksamillion.com, WHSmith and Amazon.com.
This book promotes, supports and inspires powerful self-healing! This is the perfect book for you. I call it a Pass It On Book because you will read it and pass on a copy to everyone you know. It's about healing through inspirational words, 52 weekly affirmations, vibrant colors and 56 healing with color affirmations!
Joy Bringers Is Here! Celebrate the Joy in Each Moment! Your copies are waiting for you!
Peace and Joy,
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