OK, I have to admit that I have a thing for Deepak Chopra. I have another type of thing for Oprah. So when the two of them came together to create the 21-Day Meditation Challenge-- Abundance a few months ago, I was overjoyed. I talked about my experience in an earlier blog. I hope you took the hint and took the Challenge in a big way. It was an extremely expansive journey. I still use the Centering Thoughts about Abundance and the Sanskrit Mantras in my daily meditations.
Well, they have done it again. This month Deepak and Oprah offered us an opportunity to take another journey into higher consciousness. The 21-Day Meditation Challenge-- Perfect Health is all about being, living and enjoying perfect health in your mind-body-spirit. This Challenge inspires you to look deeply inside and uncover what is keeping you from living your best life. What is keeping you from feeling good in your body everyday.
Here are some of my favorite Centering Thoughts--
"I am an exquisite expression of nature."
"I am timeless and ageless."
"Through rest and play, I open my creative channel."
You still have time to join us! Here is the link to the meditation site.
This is truly a transformational guided journey into Perfect Health. See you there!
Peace and Joy,
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