Saturday, December 29, 2012

Excuse Me While I Om...

It has been wonderful waking up early each morning and going to bed each night with Deepak Chopra. You know I am talking about his 21-Day Meditation Challenge, right? What a soul enriching opportunity to share daily meditations with thousands and thousands of people all around the world. It was a deeply unifying spiritual experience. It changed the lives of those of us who took on the challenge to find quiet time during our own highly active days.

The subject of this meditation challenge was Abundance. We learned what abundance is, to see it in everything around us, to know that we can attract it to us whenever we choose. The level of abundance we have and use in our lives is equal to our belief about it. Our intentions about abundance and our attention (gratitude), help determine how well prosperity, wealth and abundance flow to and through the moments of our lives.

Here are some of my favorite Centering Thoughts from the 21-Day Meditation Challenge.

"Today, I behold all the abundance that surrounds me."

"Today, I treat myself to moments of luxury."

"Today, and everyday, I give that which I want to receive."

"I place my intentions into the vast ocean of all possibilities and allow the universe to work through me."

"I move through my days light-heartened and carefree, knowing all is well."

You can learn more about meditation, mind-body-spirit awareness, health, abundance and spiritual laws by visiting the Deepak Chopra Center website.

Here is the link to the Daily Inspiration.

Enjoy Deepak's videos from his free video gallery.

Thank you Deepak for your generous and loving spirit!

Namaste... I bow to you...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

There Is Still Something About Samara....

I am back teaching in sunny Samara, Costa Rica. Something life-changing has happened to this beautiful coastal city. For the first time in their lives many of the people who live here experienced what it feels like to be caught in the middle of an earthquake. Over a month later, they are still asking, "Can you believe it?" "Did an earthquake really happen here?" "Will it happen again?"

Not only did this natural event elevate the city, it also changed the energy in the whole area. It was more than buildings shaking and streets vibrating. People were shaken to their core. They quickly realized what was important to them. First things first--their children.

So, please send positive thoughts of Love, Spiritual Harmony, Spiritual Understanding, Peace and Joy to sunny Samara, Costa Rica. Let the healing begin...

Enjoy these special moments from Samara!

Samara Beach...

A Rainy Walk on the Beach

Just at Sunrise...

Samara Tour Boat

My Apartment at Costa Rica School of Massage Therapy


Me In My Hammock Chillin...

My Oncology Massage Seminar

I Am Grateful for the Beautiful Hymns that Flow from this Church...

Me on the WingNuts Canopy Tour. Wheeeee......

Zipline View of Samara Beach

Peace and Joy!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Juicy Self-Care

Are you providing care for a loved one?  Is it part of your soul path to be a loving care giver? If so, you are deeply appreciated. You deserve Juicy Self-Care.

Let's hear it for the Care Provider!

We see you caring for your patients and loved ones with compassion and kindness. We recognize that this is not an easy charge. It is often emotionally, spiritually and physically exhausting to care for someone who is experiencing major life changes and challenges.

Juicy Self-Care allows you to take time away from your daily activities. It encourages you to look within for what inspires and ignites you to feel the Joy in your day. Here in each moment is the perfect opportunity to pause and feel the essence of Life. To feel that cosmic pulse that unites us all in Divine Love.

It is important to love yourself. To treat yourself well. To Breathe....

Here is a simple breathing exercise to help open you to more Juicy Self-Care.

Come on. Do it right now.

Find a quiet place to be.
  • Sit in a quiet place, spine and back comfortable. Use pillows if you need support.
  • Rest your hands gently on your stomach.
  • Breathe in deeply while thinking words like peace, love, Joy, calm, melt...
  • Follow your breath to your stomach. Feel your hands rise and fall.
  • Inhale--feel your hands rise gently.
  • Exhale--feel your hands fall.
  • Breathe for 20 counts..
Congratulations! You have just completed your first step to Juicy-Self Care. Be good to yourself. We need you spiritually, emotionally and physically grounded. We need you to celebrate the Joy in each moment!

With Deepest Gratitude...

Monday, July 30, 2012

We Are Team Qiana!

If you must know, the Olympics give me a delicious Rush. I am all about the spirit of excellence. I am inspired by the spirit of Oneness that connects all the Olympic hopefuls from all over the world.

How awe-inspiring to Live Your Dream out loud for the whole world to see. For the whole world to cheer you on.. Unlimited Possibilities... Unlimited DREAMS...

Qiana Martin is our Olympic Best! Qiana's DREAM is to be a global soccer ambassador. She wants to uplift the lives of children, families and athletes through the universal language of soccer. Qiana wants to play on the US women's soccer team at the 2012 Olympics. She has followed her heart and is in the UK open for her opportunity.

She wants to change lives in a most positive and powerful way.

We are Team Qiana! What we know is that Qiana Martin has already changed thousands of lives as her story unfolds. Her journey is abundant with "Leaps of Faith" and "Letting Go" experiences. Her adventures have left us waving pom-poms and cheering for what she has accomplished and for what amazing things are yet to come.

We are Team Qiana! We send the Power of Love, Universal Strength, Spiritual Harmony, Supreme Grace to Qiana. We know all that happens is for the Highest Good for her and for our entire world!

Peace and Joy,

Qiana's Yahoo! UK interview: news/life-changed-olympic- moment-165400566.html

Her Website:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Salvador, Bahia, Is a Land of Joy Bringers

All my Brazilian friends told me that if I had not been to Bahia, Brazil, I had not seen the true Brazil. They went on to describe the joyful vibrancy of the art, music, dance, food and people that make Bahia so special. I had to get to Bahia!

So, four invitations later I finally made it to Salvador, Bahia with my friend Lara and her family. It turned my world inside out. The chapter in Joy Bringers entitled: I Hear a Symphony describes my transformational experience.

Enjoy some of my favorite moments in Bahia.

In honor of Sao Joao Batista (St. John the Baptist) pray for a new love in your life.

It's festival time in Chapada!

This Tree of Life inspires you to move beyond your past pains and live the beauty and joy of your present.

Bahian Fishing Boats...

People travel from all over the world to come to Igreja de Bonfim to offer healing prayers for their loved ones.

Me inside the cavern where I heard the transforming sounds of Divine Music...

 The Golden Water of Chapada

 Maria, Lara and Me
On the way to my Last Supper in Bahia. The food was amazing!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Simple Pleasure 2---In Brazil

As I prepare to return to the US, thoughts of how much I love Brazil flow through my day... Brazil uplifts, inspires and renews my soul. I completed two more Joy Bringers books here. One is a children's book entitled: Joy Bringer Baby. The other continues with the Joy series as it focuses on helping care providers. The title of the book is, Bringing Joy to the Care Provider. You will be the first to know when they are published. The Joy Bringers' message continues!

Enjoy these beautiful moments of Brazilian Joy!

Praia Sunaga

Ilhabela from the sea....

On of my favorite churches in Brazil... The church at Paraty, Rio de Janeiro


Waiting for the Indian Festival to begin...

Life is a Dance! Celebrate the Joy in Each Moment! Me in the Ilhabela Carnival!

I love Yoga! This is me soaring with my yoga teacher and friend LiLi.




Monday, April 30, 2012

Simple Pleasures Bring Me Joy--In Brazil

When I arrived in Brazil recently I felt this intense rush of Joy.... I felt myself sparkling and shimmering with delight. I am grateful for simplicity... I am grateful to find and experience pleasure with lush nature and vibrant colors. I am grateful to be surrounded by loving, nurturing and supportive friends. As my feet connect to the earth here in Brazil, my heart beats, Joy! Joy! Joy! with each step I take.

I want to share with you some of my simple pleasures here in Brazil. Enjoy!

This hammock is where I began to write the affirmations for Joy Bringers.

Lush nature in my front yard...

Ilhabela fishing boats

Me and the Eternal Mermaid

My kitchen table

I gaze upon beauty. The words flow like the Amazon River.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Joy Bringer Goes to Italy!

I am in Rome, Italy! This is a Big Dream come true for me. As a child, I was captured by all the intrigue and drama of Roman history. All the plots to gain material power were fascinating to me. And yet there was always a deeper calling for my soul... The art and creativity took my breath away.

It still does. I am here in this beautiful country of Italy celebrating a Big Birthday. I am staying in this wonderful bed and breakfast inn called Angolo Romano, in Vatican City. I love inns because I feel so at home. Gianfranco, the owner of the inn is an extremely gracious host. He is warm and friendly and wants you to have the best experience in Rome possible. I am.

In the last few days, I have walked the streets of Rome with heart-felt Joy. Italy is truly a country of Joy Bringers. I have Romed Rome! I move through this experience, aware of a deeper rhythm to this city that transcends all the cars, tourists and thrill seekers. There is a spirit of Joy that urges you to live life to the fullest. To grab your Joy and dance with it until the breath leaves your body. It is an invitation to be present with a heart full of Joyful Anticipation.

Yes, I have wonderful pictures and great mini videos capturing my stay here in Italy. I will be posting them soon. Oh, and did I tell you that I unexpectedly strolled into a carnaval celebration with vibrant colors, music and a parade?  Divine Flow... Tomorrow I intend to visit Florence and feel the magic of Tuscany.

I am a Joy Bringer in a land of Joy Bringers! My soul feels tingly... This feels like home...

Peace and Love,

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bringing in a New Year of Joy, Peace and Love!

What an exciting time to be alive. We are present when the new is happening every day. We are alive during this tremendous time of transformation. We are awakening or we have finally awakened to the Divine Truth that we create our own world of experiences.

We choose what we want to experience. Choice is freedom and thoughts of freedom lead us into the unlimited. Divine Source is Unlimited Possibilities and Explosive Abundance.

Should we choose, we can acknowledge that life is full of infinite Abundance and Prosperity. We can express gratitude for the Abundance that is ever present in our lives. Life is rich with experiences that elevate us out of that which restricts or limits us.

Just a few short years ago, I teetered on the edge of restrictive thoughts. If I had accepted the traditional path scripted for me, I would not be traveling and writing. I would be waiting for retirement and feeling I had no choices.

Bound by traditions and a false sense of security...

I chose to take the Leap and follow my Dreams. Yes, it did get quite scary at times. I chose to rename that sensation. I chose to call that breathless jittery feeling of uncertainty, Joyful Anticipation.

And here we are. I am ablaze with Joyful Anticipation. This is an exciting New Year full of new experiences. What Joy! Joy Bringers is launched.

This promises to be a year of expansion and enlightenment.

I feel alive with wonder! Join me.