Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Juicy Self-Care

Are you providing care for a loved one?  Is it part of your soul path to be a loving care giver? If so, you are deeply appreciated. You deserve Juicy Self-Care.

Let's hear it for the Care Provider!

We see you caring for your patients and loved ones with compassion and kindness. We recognize that this is not an easy charge. It is often emotionally, spiritually and physically exhausting to care for someone who is experiencing major life changes and challenges.

Juicy Self-Care allows you to take time away from your daily activities. It encourages you to look within for what inspires and ignites you to feel the Joy in your day. Here in each moment is the perfect opportunity to pause and feel the essence of Life. To feel that cosmic pulse that unites us all in Divine Love.

It is important to love yourself. To treat yourself well. To Breathe....

Here is a simple breathing exercise to help open you to more Juicy Self-Care.

Come on. Do it right now.

Find a quiet place to be.
  • Sit in a quiet place, spine and back comfortable. Use pillows if you need support.
  • Rest your hands gently on your stomach.
  • Breathe in deeply while thinking words like peace, love, Joy, calm, melt...
  • Follow your breath to your stomach. Feel your hands rise and fall.
  • Inhale--feel your hands rise gently.
  • Exhale--feel your hands fall.
  • Breathe for 20 counts..
Congratulations! You have just completed your first step to Juicy-Self Care. Be good to yourself. We need you spiritually, emotionally and physically grounded. We need you to celebrate the Joy in each moment!

With Deepest Gratitude...