It was the day after Christmas and I was trying to book a train ticket to San Diego to see my friend Andrea. It had been a wonderful holiday celebration with my daughters, Diarra and Serena who live in Los Angeles, California. They had declared that my 5 item Holiday Wish List looked really skimpy. So, my darlin daughters were going to gift me with an Experiential Holiday Celebration. You know me. I am in for the experience. So let's go!
I quickly realized that this was a Flow holiday. Everything flowing in perfect synchronicity. Like flying into Utah for my layover to LA Christmas morning and seeing snow tipped mountains up close. I was gifted with a White Christmas on Christmas morning. An unexpected delight. A miracle.
And it just got better and better. The girls surprised me with Thai Massage on Sunset Blvd. Love it! The next day they whisked me off for a day of adventure. "No peeking at the highway signs, Mommy" they said. It was a miracle that I was able to look at all the beauty of California as we sped along our journey.
"Look now Mommy," they joyfully said. We were in San Diego! My miracle. It keeps going. We had brunch at The Cottage, which is now one of my favorite places to eat on earth. We walked the Pacific coast and saw a beach side wedding. I love LOVE. The ocean was crystal turquoise blue and the breeze was perfect.
I tried to text Andrea so that she could meet us. She was so close, I thought. Well, darn it, double darn it. Andrea texts back that she wished she could be with us, but she was off snowboarding at Bear Mountain. Snowboarding?? OK Andrea. The party continues.
Next stop was Balboa Park. We enjoyed the holiday decorations and watched the excitement of all the beautiful children in this natural wonderland. Miracle. While trying to head into San Diego for dinner, we all noticed that the highway landmarks were taking us onto Coronado Island. I have been wanting to get to that little slice of paradise for years. Miracle. We are in Coronado Island. Not part of their plan, but part of Divine Flow and Divine Plan.
Diarra says, "Looks like Mommy's intentions were stronger than ours." After a "just right" visit to Coronado, we turned back and ended up in downtown San Diego at Croce's for dinner. I love Jim Croce. Serena excuses herself for the ladies' room.
I look up to see her walk back in with Andrea!!! Yaaay! Hugs! Kisses! Tears! Another miracle. They had been planning this together for weeks. Snowboarding??? Right.... We laughed and talked and felt the deep rich sensation of gratitude for friendship and loving family. Andrea surprised Diarra and Serena and paid for dinner. Score a miracle for them. Flowing....
We floated across the street to Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory for dessert and Blissed out on the best brownies hot from the oven. My eyes are crossing just thinking about it. Goodbye hugs and kisses to Andrea and we are off to LA.
So how does this Experiential Holiday Celebration end? Well, as we are whizzing down the highway, we arrive at Disneyland just in time for us to enjoy the amazing fireworks. From the car, I see bright lights exploding, creating intricate designs of art in the sky above. My favorites were the smiley faces. I love fireworks! You know I do. Exhilarating Joy! A miracle.
Your miracles are present for you too. Some of them are small and bring on a smile. Some of them are so large they leave you breathless. Yet, they are indeed all around us. We have to allow ourselves to Flow... The miracles are in the Flow. Gift others with the chance to surprise you. Step away from having to control everything around you. You can't anyway. Let someone else take the wheel while you watch the beautiful scenery Flow past.
Hey, you gotta be Flowing to see your miracles.
Peace and Joy,
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